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Hudson Prize winners

Note: most of these papers are available from our papers page. If published, the title of the paper is linked to the page where you can find a fuller description and buy/download a copy.


1st Prize: William Haslam, pupil barrister at Atkin Chambers: The Lesser of Two Evils? Comparative Analysis of how Common Law Jurisdictions Approach Accrual of Causes of Action in Negligence Post-Pirelli

2nd Prize: Shouyu Chong, Lecturer in Business Law at the University of Leeds (from August 2024): Enforcing Mediation and ADR Agreements in International Construction Contracts: Transnational Principles and Comparative Perspectives


1st Prize: Lars Gladhaug, Pupil Barrister, Keating Chambers, Second Act Problems: The Defective Premises Act 1972 in the new building safety regime


1st Prize: Dr Matthew Bell, Associate Professor and Co-Director of Studies for Construction Law at the University of Melbourne: Contract Damages for Defective Construction Work: An Unsolved Puzzle?


1st Prize: Dr Ronan Champion, Partner, Champion Pearce LLP and Lecturer, University of Reading: The Hudson-formula: death by footnote?

2nd Prize: Myron Phua, Member, The Queens College, University of Oxford: The proper case for the inapplicability of Fiona Trust to statutory adjudication after Bresco


Joint 1st Prize: Anson Cheung, Pupil Barrister, Atkin Chambers: Triple Point Technology - pointing to confusion

Joint 1st Prize: Serena Lee, Associate, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP: An employer's (dis)entitlement to liquidated damages for delay where the contractor never completes: defending 'orthodoxy'

2nd Prize: John Steel, Pupil Barrister, Keating Chambers: A Ticket to the South of France or Rough Justice? Construing Ambiguity in Manchikalapati v Zurich Insurance


1st Prize: Max Twivy, Pupil Barrister, Atkin Chambers: The Prevention Principle After North Midland -v- Cyden Homes: Time for Change?

2nd Prize: Anirudh Mandagere, Legal Assistant, Keating Chambers: Microwaving Jesus' Burrito: The Problem of No Oral Modification Clauses


1st Prize: Matthew Bell, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Melbourne: How is that even possible? Raising construction regulation from the ashes of Grenfell Tower

Joint 2nd Prize: Ryan Turner, Pupil Barrister, Keating Chambers: Hanging by a slender thread: design obligations in construction contracts following MT Højgaard v E.ON

Joint 2nd Prize: Ralph Goodchild, Solicitor, Associate at White & Case LLP, London: Proven by computer? System dynamics and disruption claims


1st Prize: Philip Britton, Visiting Professor, King' College London, Senior Fellow, Melbourne Law School: Quiet Enjoyment; Revisited: A Landlord' Liability to a Tenant for Disruption Caused by Construction

Joint 2nd Prize: James Frampton, Pupil Barrister, Keating Chambers: The Best Laid Schemes of TECBAR and TeCSA: Potential Problems Under New Pre-Action Protocol

Joint 2nd Prize: Jon-Selous Borlace: A Mad Tea Party: The Role of Clarity and Common Sense in the Interpretation of Construction Contracts


1st Prize: Mathias Cheung, Pupil Barrister, Atkin Chambers: Shylock' Construction Law: The Brave New Life of Liquidated Damages?

2nd Prize: Rachel Gwilliam, Partner, Blake Morgan: Recovering Adjudication Costs under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998


Joint 1st prize: Philip Britton, Visiting Professor, Centre of Construction Law & Dispute Resolution, King' College London: Adjudication and the Residential Occupier Exception: Time for a Rethink?

Joint 1st prize: Michael Regan, Partner at Mayer Brown International LLP: Thorman revisited


1st prize: Lauren Adams, Pupil Barrister, Atkin Chambers: New Clots in the Lifeblood of International Construction Projects: Injuncting Employers' calls on performance bonds

2nd prize: Matthew Bell, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Melbourne: Beyond the Nutcracker Suite: International Harmonisation of Construction Industry Payment Legislation


1st prize: Matthew Cocklin, solicitor practising in the construction team at Devonshires solicitors in London: Synchronising GMT: International approaches to the legal analysis of concurrent delay. Is there a solution for English Law?

2nd prize: Adrian Bell, Senior Associate at CMS Cameron McKenna: The role of privilege in adjudication


1st prize: not awarded this year

2nd prize: Antonio Rotolo, solicitor, Kent County Council: The application of the EU procurement regime to section 106 agreements providing for Affordable Housing


Joint 2nd prize: Matthew Bell, Lecturer in Construction Law, University of Melbourne: Liquidated damages and the doctrine of penalties: rethinking the war on terrorem

Joint 2nd prize: David Johnson, Pupil Barrister, Atkin Chambers: Defective Premises Law: time for remedial works?


Joint 1st prize: Aidan Steensma, CMS Cameron McKenna, London: Implied obligations of non-hindrance and co-operation in construction contracts

Joint 1st prize: Mathew Stulic, Clayton Utz, Sydney: Prevention and the allocation of the risk of project delays: evolution or revolution?


1st prize: not awarded this year

2nd prize: Sarah Pengelly: Do the exclusivity provisions of the NHS LIFT standard form contract comply with EU procurement regulations?


1st Prize: Julian Bailey: Public Law and Statutory Adjudication

2nd Prize: not awarded this year


1st Prize: Julian Bailey: What Lies Beneath

2nd Prize: Ronan Champion: Variations, Time Limits and Unanticipated Consequences


1st Prize: Philip Britton: Right building - wrong place? Wrong building - right place?

2nd Prize: Julian Bailey: Repudiation, termination and quantum meruit


1st Prize: not awarded this year

2nd Prize: Adrian Baron: The battle between logical purity and commercial expedience: Heralding limits to the 'Twin Agreement' fiction


1st Prize: Philip Britton: The architect, the banker, his wife and the adjudicator: unfair contract terms and construction


1st Prize: Philip Britton: Oxalic Acid and the applicable law: the Rome Convention and construction

2nd Prize: Hamish Lal: The doctrine of penalties and the 'absurd paradox' - does it really matter in 2003?


1st Prize: Adrian Baron: Damages in the shadow of a penalty clause - tripping over policy in the search for logic and legal principle

Joint 2nd Prize: Hamish Lal: Extensions of time: The conflict between the 'prevention principle' and notice requirements as a condition precedent

Joint 2nd Prize: Ben Ring: Separability - a tale of two agreements


1st Prize: Philip Eyre: Panatown v McAlpine - Has the Fog Cleared Yet?

2nd Prize: Philip Britton: Construction, Public Bodies and Liability in Negligence: Fair, Just and Reasonable?


1st: Deborah Brown: After the Divorce - Problems With Partnering Agreements

2nd: Michael J Barlow: Pure Economic Loss for Defective Buildings After Henderson v Merrett Syndicates: When is a building contract not an ordinary building contract?


1st: Fiona Hammond: Rethinking construction - how should lawyers respond to the call for integrated teams and an end to construction contracts

2nd: Clive Hardy: Re-thinking roles in expert evidence after Woolf


1st: John McGuinnes: The Effect of Letters of Intent

2nd: Richard McLoughlin QC: Arbitration and Judicial Review in Scotland


1st: Paul Bick: Some Aspects of Good Faith and Fairness in the Formation of Construction and Engineering Contracts

2nd: Richard Lyndon: Can a contractor' failure to perform a contractual obligation constitute an acceptance of an anticipatory breach by the employer


1st: Helen Payne: An Analysis of the Risks Inherent in the Build-Own/Operate - Transfer Method of Infrastructure Procurement


1st: Jonathan Hosie: The Ascertainment of Damages for Delay in Construction Contracts: Liquidated and Unliquidated Damages

2nd: Paul McGivern: Arbitration: Party autonomy or court control?


1st: D E Ballard: Payment for Materials or Goods not yet Incorporated in the Works


1st Michael Webster: Developments in the Methods of Managing Construction Projects in the UK, USA and France: From Hard Hats to Thinking Caps

2nd: Stephen Weatherill: Cartel Busting in the Construction Industry Joint Siobhan Leslie The British and Dutch Construction Industry

3rd: Andrew Pike: Construction Management and the JCT Contracts


1st: Peter Barber: Management Contracting - Low Risk for the contractor, Low Recovery by the Employer