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Contracted Mediation - resolution before the law, not after

Paper number

Patrick Green and Stephen Woodward

August 2001

A paper based on a talk given to a meeting of the Society of Construction
Law in London on 5th June 2001.

The authors explain 'contracted mediation' and how it differs
from mediation, which is normally used when the dispute is already mature.
They explain how it provides an ongoing mediation resource form the outset
to help avoid, manage or resolve disputes in project based industries,
with a panel appointed at the beginning of the project.

The authors: Patrick Green is a barrister at the chambers of oger Henderson
QC, 2 Harcourt Buildings and Stephen Woodward is director of contract
solutions at Symonds Group; both are commercial mediators and directors
of esoLex Ltd.

Text and figures 7 pages.

PDF file size: 75k