Contract or Co-operation? A practical case study of a strategic framework
Keith Lindup
October 2003
A paper given to a conference organised by the Centre of Construction
Law at King's College London and held in London on 11th September 2003.
Keith Lindup describes the transfer of Westminster's housing stock to
CityWest Homes Ltd, and the completion of its strategic procurement for
major works and repairs. He gives his view of the key points and issues
and briefly describes the company's proposals for the future.
Introduction - CityWest Homes - The contractual framework - Project partnering
or strategic partnering? - Partnering in practice - Training - Alliancing
agreement - Communication - Pilot projects - Fast track schemes - Identifying
the strategic constructors - The next steps.
The author: Keith Lindup FCIOB is head of Partnering and Procurement with
CityWest Homes Ltd, the Arms Length Management Organisation recently formed
by Westminster City Council.
Text: 7 pages.
PDF file size: 53k