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Papers published by the Society

A total of 485 papers have been published by the Society.
Peter Higgins and Philip Britton
July 2008, 284k
Julian Bailey

In his prize winning paper, Julian Bailey considers the accepted grounds of challenge to an adjudicator's decision, in order to resist enforcement proceedings in court.

June 2008
Sr Noushad Ali Naseem Ameer Ali

What might the plain language movement have to teach the drafters of standard form contracts and of statutes concerned with construction?

April 2008, 508k
John ME Lyden

What is meant by a 'global claim' or a 'total cost claim', and how do courts and arbitrators deal with such claims?John Lyden considers judicial approaches in a range of common law countries (England & Wales, Scotland, Ireland, the USA and Australia) and the details of proof which a claimant must provide for a claim to be acceptable and to lead to an award.

April 2008