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This Protocol was prepared by the Society of Construction Law for determining extensions of time and compensation for delay and disruption. The 2nd edition has been published, superseding both the 1st edition of the Protocol and Rider 1 to the 1st edition of the Protocol. You can download it for free, or order hard copies (with a discount for bulk orders).

CIC has published a new ‘Users' Guide to Adjudication', which replaces the Construction Umbrella Bodies Adjudication Task Group 'Users' Guide to Adjudication' produced in April 2003. More information here.

The Worshipful Company of Arbitrators invites expressions of interest in two Travelling Scholarships in Private Dispute Resolution (Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication), each to be taken up for 4 weeks in Dubai in March/April 2017. Click here for more information

A paper recently published by SCL, 'All That Glistens is Not Gold: Some issues for the UK Construction Industry in a Post-Brexit World', by Christopher Muttukumaru CB, may be of special interest following the Brexit referendum. See here for more details

The draft 2nd edition of the SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol is available for comment during a four week consultation period, expiring on 8 July 2016. See here for more details

The Judging Panel of the SCL Hudson Prize has announced the results for the 2015 competition.

We are delighted that membership of the Society has reached an all time high of over 2,700 members. If you would like to consider joining, please find more details here.

A new book has been published by the European Society of Construction Law. It contains accounts of the law of twelve major European jurisdictions in relation to a range of construction matters. It is available at a cost of £75 plus postage..

With sadness, we report the death in August of honorary member, Donald Bishop CBE, MC, C.Eng, MICE, ARCS, FCOB, Hon FRIAS, Hon FICW (aged 93). /p>

The Sub-Committee would like to hear from anyone who would wish to make comments in relation to the proposed amended guidance note. more